Planning & Buying Land

Flooding SolutionsManagement PlanFlooding in a small townLand AnalysisNature-based storm water managementPlanning and SitingNature-based landscapeFlooded drivewayAccessing Public LandConceptual landscape designLisa Lane Farm, Bloomfield, CTBuying Land

Do you need help deciding whether a piece of land is right for you? Future Lands Design can help you! Here are a few of the services we offer:

  • Nature-based landscape planning and design for private or public uses
  • Pre-purchase inventory to help you decide what’s right for you
  • Building stakeholder consensus and engagement when making challenging land-use decisions
  • Optimizing a site’s natural heritage for wildlife and pollinators
  • Climate change vulnerabilities and mitigation opportunities
  • Determining the best uses for portions of a property, such as siting a building or constructing sustainable trails
  • Establishing best practices for land-sensitive stewardship

Prices for these services are based on your unique situation and needs. Please contact me directly to discuss your ideas and options.

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